A little but nothing solid. What I have heard.- Phil Kelly is writing the Codex.- More emphasis on the horde aspect of the army with lots of large units of Initiates and Neophytes.- Emperors Champion is more in line with the company champion of the Grey Knights but is still 2 wounds. Gains preferred enemy against independent characters and monstrous creatures.I will let you know as I hear more.by Jared van KellSome additional bits.- I forgot to mention the Rightous Zeal rule could be changing to be more along the lines of the Rage USR. Something along the lines of if they fail a Ld test then they are subject to Rage and must advance towards the nearest enemy unit. As yet the details are sketchy.- All the current special characters (ie: Helbrect and Grimaldius) will remain. Also I had heard of an mention of a special character who is like the greatest of all of the Emperor's Champions and the greatest warrior in the Black Templars. I had heard mention of a bike mounted special character with a lance like weapon but I cannot confirm this yet.
O cebaran a Hellbrecht, que siempre me ha parecido demasiado blandito para la bestia que se supone que debe ser