Autor Tema: Rumores Tau  (Leído 61180 veces)

Desconectado Asrha

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #120 en: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 12:47:30 »

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #121 en: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 14:23:32 »
Segun lo rumoreado por diversos rumorologos de peso estilo hastings de warsseer qu acerto casi todo de lo dicho, seran el primer codex de 40K post salida de los AO

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #122 en: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 18:18:19 »
Teorico perfil de la nueva mega armadura Tau

WS2, BS4, S6, T5, W4, I2, A2, Ld8 Sv2+4++

Desconectado Asrha

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #123 en: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 20:00:43 »

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #124 en: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 20:15:42 »

Ojo que el perfil que he puesto arriba segun se comenta la fuente del que la publico le ha dicho que tiene la F y la R al reves
« Última modificación: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 20:23:54 por Isoroku »

Desconectado Asrha

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #125 en: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 20:48:58 »
Me parece que es un poco mas grande que la eata tau
Ojo que el perfil que he puesto arriba segun se comenta la fuente del que la publico le ha dicho que tiene la F y la R al reves

Entonces si que es una buena bestia

Desconectado Gonfrask

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #126 en: 27 de Noviembre de 2012, 23:17:44 »
No puedes esconderte, huelo tu corrupcion
La Forja de Gonfrask (Blog)

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #127 en: 28 de Noviembre de 2012, 18:53:37 »
Sobre la UBERSUIT hay un rumor fuerte las 2 posibilidades que estan circulando son parcialmente ciertas

Esta o Esta es la cuestion las dos fueron testeadas

Tau UBER-suit
Dual (not linked) Rail Cannons
Missile Launcher
Many upgrade options including Stealth

BONUS Tasty Morsel:
Markerlights gain the ability to grant Skyfire.

o con Perfil

WS2, BS4, S5, T6, W4, I2, A2, Ld8 Sv2+4++ invulnerable

Desconectado Asrha

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #128 en: 29 de Noviembre de 2012, 11:17:13 »
Prefiero el perfil de abajo, con R6, H4, S2+ o SI4+ te aguanta pero muchisimo mas que con 2 PA y blindaje 11

Desconectado sikario666

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #129 en: 29 de Noviembre de 2012, 13:46:50 »
 ;Dvamos que ahora con dos gundam y 2 transformers tienes un ejercito tau....interesante interesante ::)

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #130 en: 29 de Noviembre de 2012, 14:03:33 »
OFF TOPIC ON:Naaa, yo quiero mi Battlepod Oficier para perseguir marines o un MADCAT en su defecto

Modo of topic off: Segun los que los han visto aparte del estilo del de la foto de fill dunan , alguno les ha visto parecidos con ciertos modelos de gundam, battletech o heavy gear

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #131 en: 03 de Febrero de 2013, 16:09:13 »
Nuevos Rumores de cuando alguien ligado a faeit vio el beta testeo de los Tau

Aqui el link mas tarde veo de traducir

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #132 en: 05 de Febrero de 2013, 21:21:07 »
Siguiendo con los rumores

I have been seeing a lot of play testing for the tau empire and have seen some new models as well. They look so new and epic it makes me really excited. Now I did my hands on some rules and names for units, If you are to pass these on then PLEASE send it to only reliable rumour sites.

I will start with the new sky ray orbital blast ability. From what I can remember on top of my head is that the sky ray has to forgo his full turn of shooting for a single unlimited range blast that is:

strength X AP 3 (wound on 2+,plasma corrosion, blast)
plasma corrosion - any enemy model hit under the blast rolls a d6 every turn for the remainder of the game on a roll of 1-3 the unit or model suffers d6 strength 4 AP5 hits. On a roll of 4-5 the unit suffers 2d6 strength 5 AP 4 hits. On a roll of a 6 the unit is hit with 2d6 strength 6 AP 2 hits with the blind special rule. (these are test rules and subject to change)

Tau fire warriors will have the OPTION to upgrade their tau fire warriors to bs 4 (I put option in bold to show it is an option for all those fluffy players)
I believe the upgrade at the moment is being called 'advance training'

battle suits are getting/got new models but have the same profile as now with the inclusion of an option to make them toughness 5 (cost or name is unknown)

The kroot is getting a HUGE monster that looks like something from fantasy. It has kroot riding it but is under going constant rule changes due to either dying to quickly or for lack of usage. From what I remember seeing it has 5 wounds but only a 5+ save and was over priced IMO.

kroot gain furious charge and move through cover and start with a 6+ save that can be upgraded to 5+ with shaper for an additional 2pts per model (making them 8pts per model) - remember this could change!

finally their is options to make all your battle suits have 2+ saves for 20pts per model - all war gear that is in the current codex has been reduced slightly.

the tau dread knight walker rumours you have read are 100% TRUE - I have seen the concept art/profile and from the top of my memory it is something like this.

WS4 BS4 S6 T8 W4 I2 A4 LD8 SV2+/4++

I will not share rules because they were on the next page of document of which I did not see. I did see the points which were : 210pts

Crisis Suits: Look for more posable new models. Unit keeps its high level of customization, with several upgrades to stat lines possible. New flakk missile pods. New combi-kit includes Broadside parts.

Stealth Suits: Models unchanged. Have stealth, (obviously), plus optional drone granting shrouding.

Sky Ray: Last edition's trainwreck gets a new lease on life. Flakk missiles, plus has orbital bombardment (much like SM version, but with a lingering effect).

Fire Warriors: Same nasty gun. Still BS:3, but with a Shas'O can upgrade unit to BS:4.

Drones: Any drone can be used for Look Out Sir rolls for any model in the unit they are attached to.

Markerlights: A single hit increases BS of all other units targeting the victim by +1. Multiple markerlights have no additional effects. OUCH - look out for possible BS:5, Fire Warrior volleys now! Markerlights improve snapfire against marked flyers to 5+ instead of 6, but must first hit the flyer with a 6 themselves.

Networked Markerlights: A longer range twin linked version. Vehicles only.

Ethereals: These now grant army wide special rules and bubble rules, but there are different options. They function roughly much like those recent Dark Angels banners. So one option might be army wide Ld rerolls while in play, plus units in 12" are fearless. Another option might be one unit in army gets salvo once per turn, and all units in 12" get rerolls to hit.

Kroot: Everyone's favorite birdmen get Scout, Furious Charge, Move thru Cover. Kroot Hounds and Kroot hawks! Shaper can unlock additional unit upgrades.

"Sneaky Kroot": Look for an ELITES Kroot unit that can hide in terrain like Ymgarl Genestealers.

Knarloc: The new big beasty model, very similar to the Forgeworld Great Knarloc (see below). Monstrous Creature, with a trample attack allowing it to run 3d6" and cause 2d6 S6 AP6 wounds to any unit it crosses. It may additionally use this special move to charge a unit, gains +2A and the assault-grenades ability when charging in this manner.

Vespid: The maligned bug men are redeemed! Big improvements, weapon range increase, point reduction, hit and run.

Vespid Flyer: Smallest flyer in game, like a jetbike, single blaster as weapon, vector-dancer

Fortifications: Deep striking turrets as fortification options. Burst cannons or missile pods options.

Tau Flyer Transport: 13 13 12 armor, holds a full Fire Warrior or Crisis Suit squad, or single Uber-suit. Not a lot of weapons, but HP:3, and has a save from wargear that can be taken. Deep strike. Rules-wise is focused on getting units reliably to a location.

The Uber-suit: So many options currently it's hard to keep them straight. It's a mobile weapon platform, with rail guns as it's main weapon system, - which can be upgraded to a plasma weapon system or ion cannons. Classified as monstrous creature. 2+/4++ save. It can forgo shooting and movement to gain 2++ save. The Uber can move as jump infantry if it does not shoot it's main weapons. VERY HIGH toughness, no existing weapon can instant death it. Although it can smash if it has to, it is not designed as a close combat unit at all. Cost is comparable to a Terminator squad. It can take drone support.

Odds and Ends
FOC: Some specific HQs move Crisis Suits to troops. One moves two Kroot units to troops.

Psykers-defense: All Tau have some base immunity to psychic powers, and thus any Tau unit can deny the witch, with the suits gaining an improvement to this roll.

I want to say that this bit comes from a very much in the know source, who occasionally helps us filter through some of the rumors. The last few days we have had 4 sets of Tau rumors, and this email is in response to this one, and clarifying other rumors that are putting Firewarriors at BS4.

"The krootox giant has the following rules and stats - these I believe will change as we have had much discussions upon this unit and cannot be certain if it is powerful enough for a competitive environment.

Krootox Giant: WS6 BS3 S8 T6 W4 I1 A5 LD7 SV4+

Special rules: Smash, monstrous creature, rage,mental without control, move through cover,fleet
mental without control: If your krootox giant loses his krootox rider then the Giant must pass a leadership test every turn otherwise will attack the closest enemy unit. If the Giant cannot reach a target then it misses it next turn while it cools down."

via the Faeit 212 inbox (has to remain anonymous)
I've never seen those kroot giant rules before (currently named the Krootonne).

There is a new large kroot model, but it's nothing like what's written, doesn't have a rider and doesn't have guns.

Fire warriors can't be upgraded to bs4, the squad leader has an upgrade that raises their BS though for (currently) 50 points and goes away if he dies.

I have like three versions of the rules, but I think some people are wish listing after getting hint of some stuff that's leaked.

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #133 en: 05 de Febrero de 2013, 21:43:11 »

Desconectado Isoroku

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Re:Rumores Tau
« Respuesta #134 en: 05 de Febrero de 2013, 22:23:20 »
Puede ser que el bichejo de escalofrios, pero ya habia cosas un poco mas chicas en FW los Knarlocs realmente grandes y en el trasfondo siempre se dijo que habia cosas mas grandes en los bosques de los mundos kroot y bueno se ve que algunos kroots comieron demasiado garrapato gigante