"... The DA codex will have a new choice in bipode heavy media mortis to be appointed and will have two guns.
there will be a new character that ought to choose allies from other codex (called guard?) as a troop choice ...
Es posible, aunque como eso se lleva rumorerando tanto tiempo (y los rumores del MEC tambien lo dicen) no se si creermelo
about the Deathwing I heard something about a box containing two hammers and shield and weapon type weapon nemesis that should give FNP to 2 +
Eso ya si que seria una burrada de las gordas... no hay dolor a 2+ con termis
there will be new variants of land speeder ... (And perhaps also one that makes the functions of the storm talon)
Estaria chulo
the "Blazing Sword" is something that has to do with the ravenwing ....
The presence of 3 banners that will characterize the army and the command team.
the DA will have different rules on the use of plasma weapons .. something warming ... to represent the fact that they are experts in using these weapons. Porque ellos lo valen
New aircraft is introduced into the codex DA will not be the storm Talon.
the cyclone missile launcher will have an AA if the model remains stationary for that turn.
Eso tambien mola, termis antiaereos
There will be new options for the predator.
WW AA will have the option as an upgrade and 3 different types of missile to choose before the game.
Se comentaba que el WW tendria tambien posibilidad de AA
special character chaplain will be introduced
there will be new psychic powers and will be given space to a couple of new units that are not present in the previous codex.
There are two basic troops choices and not just one. Ajam...marines y exploradores
Se rumoreaba que los termis serian linea de por si y que los exploradores seguian siendo elite.
it comes to AA missile launchers in the new codex .. I do not know, and this refers to the type of the missile destroyers or to those mentioned above.
Supongo que si que vendra el tipo AA para los lanzamisiles, si no no tendria sentido la entrada del reglamento.
about the release of the codex is a lot of confusion .. should be the first after the new year .. but when it was planned that the book of HH FW plans have been changed since the GW expects many sales and do not want to risk crossing your outputs gw and Fw. "
Pues a esperar toca